our sustainable supply chain
SEKBI Bogolan walks its own path of sustainability inspired by the traditionally crafted Bogolan. True to the spirit of Bogolan, we crafted a sustainable supply chain which is efficient, ethical and visionary. In our mission to operate sustainably, our customers will have access to remarkable style while feeling good about themselves and the environment.
Our signature print is made with a reduced use of materials, energy and water by choosing a pigment printing process instead of reactive dye. This pigment printing process consumes very little water to begin with, making it an eco-friendly solution in the textile printing industry.
Once an order is placed, raw materials and packaging made of recycled pulp are sourced within 2 weeks to eliminate textile and energy waste. Thereafter, manufacturing begins in Mauritius over a period of 4 weeks and shipping is made within a period of 2 weeks. This process helps to align demand with production to avoid unnecessary waste.


Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS)
For our T-shirts and polos, we use certified textiles that contain at least 70% organic fibres; all chemicals used meet strict criteria. Proper wastewater treatments are mandatory.

BM TRADA inspects and certifies that materials, products and processes used in manufacturing of our packaging, are always safe, quality, compliant and fit for purpose.

Our packaging is certified by Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification which covers the manufacturing of paper and converting paper products using the percentage-based method(s).

The development, production and marketing of stamping foils and stamping machines used in our packaging is certified by INTECHNICA.

Our custom print is made with pigment inks that meet the Oeko- Tex 100 requirements to be free of restricted chemicals and are mixed from 4-8 basic colors making it an eco-friendly solution in the textile printing industry

Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production (WRAP)
WRAP is dedicated to promoting lawful, ethical and safe manufacturing all over the world by certification. Our T-shirt and polo production is certified by WRAP.
We are a lifestyle brand that celebrates style with consciousness.
SEKBI Bogolan is committed to make the earth’s ecosystem a priority, while offering quality and long-lasting pieces. Incredible style worth waiting for in this shared mission for sustainability.
Thanks for empowering us by choosing SEKBI Bogolan.